You can visit us on trade shows around the world. New dates & announcements will be listed here and on our Facebook page.

Upcoming Events

IAOM Conference & Exhibition
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
April 17-21, 2023 
Booth no. 508

Trade Shows 1

IAOM – International Association of Operative Millers

Founded in 1896, the International Association of Operative Millers (IAOM) is an international organization comprised of grain millers and allied trades representatives devoted to the advancement of education and training opportunities in the grain milling industries.

Website / Facebook

VICTAM International

VICTAM International is by far the world’s largest dedicated event for the animal feed processing industries. Co-located with VICTAM International is GRAPAS EMEA, the event for the grain, flour and rice processing industries.

Website / Facebook

Trade Shows 2

Trade Shows 3


Created in 1925 in Paris by former students of the French School of Milling.

The event takes place every year.

Website / Facebook