Raw Material Control and Treatment
PROTEIN | online protein measurement for granular and powdery bulk solids



VIB-Protein© is an advanced Near Infrared (NIR) measurement system which continuously controls protein and moisture of grain and powder products during intake or production. Used in a wide variety of industrial processes, it provides off-line accuracy under on-line operating conditions.

  • Continuous process and quality control
  • Robust build and hygienic stainless steel design 
  • Ensures uniform product qualities
  • Automated optimization of product mix
  • Increased production efficiency

At vibronet® we take time for our customers' questions and wishes. We always provide a thorough consultation, regardless of where our customer is situated worldwide.

Whether it is production optimisation or the development of new products - vibronet® has gained decades of practical experience and knowledge in various industries worldwide which you can and should lucratively use for the success of your company.

Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Otto Gräf
M.Sc. Engineering and Milling
CTO / Company Founder

For detailed information, download our brochures.


  • Automatic online protein control for grain, pulses and powdery products (e.g. flour, fine bran, etc.)
  • Laboratory-near results under online operating conditions
  • Automated optimization of product mix
  • Energy and raw material savings through more efficient blending
  • Automatic evaluation at receiving section and selection of storage location
  • Electronic discharge control of the bulk bins for automation of product mix  
  • Ensures uniform product quality
  • Easy installation and simple retrofit


An online sampling system for grain and powders is installed in a bypass of the main production flow of free falling or pneumatically conveyed material.

The measuring unit consists of a sensor mounted to a stainless-steel space saving measuring channel and an electronic evaluation unit.


Several molecular bonds absorb near infrared light at a defined wavelength. The common bonds in proteins are N-H, in water O-H.

The absorbance level at these specific wavelengths is proportional to the quantity of that constituent in the material. Filters within the measuring unit transmitter create a sequence of light pulses.

These illuminate the product and the reflected light is collected by a detector. The electric signals generated by the detector are then processed to provide a value in percent or other engineering units that is proportional to the concentration of the measured constituent.

VIB-PROTEIN® | vibronet®-Gräf GmbH & Co. KG | Cereal Damping Systems

VIB-Protein© is an advanced Near Infrared (NIR) measurement system which continuously controls protein and moisture of grain and powder products during intake or production.

Product Brand: vibronet®

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